Originally Posted by dksuddeth
There were many mistakes made, for that there should be accountability. I don't see it happening with a republican majority in the government but we really only have the democrats that protected bill clinton from conviction to blame for that, wouldn't you agree?
Huh? Agree with what? That because the Democrats failed to support a right-wing coup attempt centered on an oval office blowjob that they weren't a strong enough dissenting minority to sway military policy? huh? I don't follow or agree.
So, in light of the fact that we will never see the accountability we should, should we not be promoting what remnants of US policy for Iraqi Liberation remain?
As far as unilateral vs. support, theres no argument to be made. Countries were given an opportunity and instead those countries chose their finances over the lives of the Iraqi's.
And the lives of their own soldiers let's not forget. This "ends-justify-means" logic doesn't exactly sit well with me. An allegory might be your drunk uncle who wrecks on the interstate killing 5 people and propels himself throught the windshield onto the grass where, looking up through his blood-soaked eyelashes discovers a four-leafed clover and we're all expected to be happy for him and all the good luck coming his way. yeah right.