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Old 11-24-2004, 09:47 AM   #32 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Locobot
It's distressing to me that you don't support the U.S. government efforts to help American workers, but you do support their efforts to help foreign workers. Bizarre.

So would you support giving visas to fully-accredited orthodontists to open cut-rate practices in your own community?
They already can do that

By helping American workers you mean artificially inflate prices, which hurts American consumers and American business alike. I haven't seen anything to refute the claims that outsourcing some jobs helps increase jobs at home as well due to a more efficient economy.

Lets take an RL example that just happened to me yesterday. I found a new supplier who is about 1/2 to 1/3rd cheaper then my current supplier. What this will allow me to do is cut my overhead, and in turn is going to help me hire another person who I need but was not sure I could afford to do so. Yes the more expensive company is going to loose money I was paying them, and if enough of this goes on they may well close. I am going to employ a new person, and this will help my business grow as well, which in turn may allow me to hire even more people. By your logic if the cheaper company was located in Mexico instead of the US I should be FORCED to use the US company by law (and I thought you liberals didn't like government telling you what you can and can't do, silly me). The end result of this is I would not be able to hire another person. Now here is the really fun part. The office I need the new person at is my worst performing office. The new job I wish to hire is a PR type of person who will promote the office to dentists to send me patients. If I can not afford to hire this new person my choices are to fire one of my existing people (who all have children I might add and have been here for 5-25 years) or hope the area turns around and I get more patients that way. If it doesn't I might have to close the office, which would put even more people out of work. So a worst case scenario would be 9 people out of work as I close one office and focus only on my more productive ones. All this because someone thinks its not fair that salaries are lower in other countries.

Perhaps you should check all your labels and only buy USA from now on. No cheap electronics or clothing for you, just good old American made. After all you might have put some US worker out of a job!!!
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