Originally Posted by Manx
I'm sick of the "my friend lost his job and found out he needed to go back to school to get another one".
I never even graduated from high school, let alone attended any university. I've been working in my field for 10 years and I've earned quite a bit of money from it. I've run my own business for over two years now and I'm about to jump from my industry of 10 years to a completely new one - entering at a close to 6 figure salary level.
My heart goes out to the poor saps that thought they needed to take tens of thousands in loans to obtain a piece of paper stating they learned things that would provide them with a quality work experience. But most of them are arrogant about it, so my heart is small. Degrees are the most overrated scraps of paper ever created.
dksuddeth's friend is out of a job for a number of reasons - not simply because he "isn't needed". But also because of the topic of this thread: off-shoring and actively enabling cheap labor. You wouldn't be "needed" either if your job could be done for 1/10th the price you require. That doesn't mean we should go out of our way (by adding H1B visa slots) to enable our society to make it easier to cut your price down to 1/10th what you currently ask.
Thats great but some of us find value in an education beyond just the paper. My heart goes out to those poor saps who think that an education is worthless.
If my job gets 'off-shored' I don't expect anyone to rescue me. In fact they are trying to 'offshore' my job to some extent, I view it as a challange and I need to improve my product in such a way as to make the 'offshore' prodcut less desireable than my own. The consumer wins.