Definitely Carlin, Pryor, and Cosby. My first reaction was true surprise that more people haven't said Newhart, but then I realized that I'm something of an oddball for being so young and knowing his work as well as I do.
In way of newer comedians, Stephen Lynch is (I hope) going far. Yes, he can be offensive. Yes, he can piss people off. But he's genuinely funny all the time, and doesn't just rely on preplanned ideas for a show. One of his best attributes is that he plays a crowd so well. He acts like he's on the same level as them. Sure, they've paid to see him, but he treats them like he does his friends, not like comedians usually treat an audience. I think that may be a large factor in separating good comedians from great ones, the abilty to relate to the crowd. And, on the few occasions I was lucky enough to meet up with him for a while, I really got to see that he is just a guy who loves making people laugh and letting them feel better than the humdrum of everyday life lets them.