Well Manx, we are going to differ here because I don't know of any rule that says how much someone should pay in taxes. With either the current system, my proposal or any other proposal I have seen; the rich will always (b) make more than me and (b) pay more in taxes than I do. And "fair" is impossible to define in this realm. The rich person is always going to have more money than me, before and after taxes. So the question is, how much a burden should the "rich" have? Once again, there is no rule. I am not a redistributionist, so I am not in favor of the "rich" paying for me, I am in favor of me paying for myself. We could run in circles for hours about how much a rich person should make, and never, ever come to a conclusion. My bottom line: will the proposed system bring in enough money?
I looked at it back to front first. First, how much money do we need to take in? Then, where can we get that money that would be simpler and possibly more effective.
This system does just that, plus it gives a free ride to the poor--they will have no burden.
And, using my figures, the middle-class will pay less as well--a definite bonus in my book.
Add that together with a system that could (and these are assumptions): (a) be more succesful (b) Be much simpler (c) be harder to cheat (d) be more "fair" than our current one (e) and be beneficial to our economy as a whole which is beneficial to anyone that wants to do better with their lives.