Mrs. Parrish's statement echoed my exact feeling about the US administration. I'm sick and tired of the US's new if you're not with us, you're against us. Yes I'm against the war in Iraq, they didn't prove anything, just that they have no clue why they went to war. Does this make me anti-American? I think George Bush is a putz, and he is slowly smothering the world, does this make me anti-American?
Mrs. Parrish only said what is on many Canadians minds, she's jus ta little more high profile, I was sorry to see Martin remove her from cabinet but I guess it doesn't go along with his new policy of having his lips wrapped around W's ass for the first day of his visit. Oh how I miss Chretien a PM who wasn't afraid to tell the US to go fuck themselves.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder