Originally Posted by shyguy
Pretty simple, man. Drop the cash for driving lessons. We (most of us) did this when we were 15. Back then our parents paid for it though. It's not that expensive, and they teach you what to know. My parents did help me once I had my permit, but most of the learning itself was done in the classroom and then in the "behind the wheel" with the teacher.
Never had enough time for that. And now that I do have enough time, I'm out in the middle of nowhere and there probably isn't even a place near by that I can do it. Last I checked these days some places wanted 2 c-notes for driving courses. I think it's changed now though...since I'm older. Both my sisters have offered to teach me to drive over the summer if I go and stay with one of them. Summer couldn't come soon enough. I mean how can ya take a girl out when you 1. don't have a car and 2. Wouldn't know what to do with one even if you did?? Not cool at all. Fuckin lame even. Then my folks have to move me a whole 10 min fuckin drive out of the City. I need a job to get a car...I need a car to get a job. I only say this because the last job I had I lived only a few blocks from it and I still couldn't count on my parents to take me to work. More than half the time I walked, sometimes even ran because I was expecting a ride I didn't get. Then my dad would fuck around with me and make me do all kinds of things before he'd take me, making me late. Fuck all that. They want me to get a job they should get me a fucking car. Sorry went off there for a minute..I'm bitter. My dad says the stupidest shit like "No one taught me how to drive! I stole my mothers car!" I'm like "Are you telling me to steal the fucking car??!!??" and then my mom is always telling me "You need to learn how to drive" GOOD IDEA! I need to get out of here
And ask the girl out if yer sure she likes you!