To everybody that said a Christmas Story...I love you guys!
The best Christmas movie ever. Every year on Christmas eve I sit down and watch the 24 hour marathon on TNT. I usually average seeing it completely through about 3 times and catch bits and pieces of my favorite scenes about another 3-4 times.
I identify SO much with this movie it's not even funny. I remember being about 8 and I wanted a Voltron SO bad and my mom would give me every excuse in the book why I couldn't have it. But my dad came through and hooked me up and ever since I saw that movie for the first time I felt like I was watching that Christmas being played back for me. My family doesn't understand it but that's my own little tradition I've made and I plan on passing it on to my kids. I even got a DVD of it last year to make sure I'll always have the ability to watch it endlessly on Christmas eve and day even if they stop showing it on TV for whatever reason. I love that movie so much I think I've probably seen it more times than Star Wars which is my "official" favorite movie... I even have half the lines memorized and say them along with the movie.
Scut Farkus...What a rotten name! There he stood between us and the alley. Scut Farkus staring out at us with his yellow eyes. He had yellow eyes! So help me God YELLOW EYES!
Sons of bitches! Bumpuses!