Originally Posted by Carn
You don't think you get enough hours in at home playing on a console so you have to supplement it with a handheld for when you're not at home?
And you're willing to pay $200 for that "privilege?"
I like video games as much as the next guy, but there's a point when it becomes unhealthy....
I've been on a few long-ass drives with my GBA and I can honestly say that 4-8 hour drives felt like under an hour (literally) while playing. If you're not driving then they're a great way to pass the time...not just cure an addiction.
Some people happen to be in situations where regular console videogames aren't a possibility. My parents kicked me outta the house this past summer so I stayed with my girlfriend's mom for over a month straight. I played my GBA everyday after work if I wasn't spending time with my GF.
They're not simply portable game systems that are for freaks who can't go 5 minutes without their consoles...it's for other reasons like folks who don't have console capabilities. And the average portable system is $100-$150, not $200. On top of that, the power that the DS and PSP have is easily worth $200 even moreso than the GBA.