Yes we all know scientists could never do anything evil, or persue a project without thinking of the consequences. There are no examples of this in our history. Scientists are a super breed of human able to dictate to the rulers what they will and will not do and have no fear for their families or ambition of thier own.
Of course there is no hard and fast rule here, but I'd put far more trust in someone who has studied and worked towards finding the truths of the world than polititians and religious fundamentalists. The West is built on these ideals, and anyone capable of reaching the educational and technical ability of people at these levels is going to have a closer affinity with those truths than mere polititians.
Nationalism is dead, and if it's not, it ought to be. The Second World War was proof of the damage that nationalism causes, and I for one am not going to let it stand in the way of rational judgement.
There are better and more subtle ways of dealing with these kinds of issues, and like I keep on saying, displaying a threataning stance plays directly into the hands of the Osama Bin Ladins of this world.
If you don't trust the Muslims, then say so - The options are:
1) Treat the situation objectively and try to reach some kind of compromise
2) Adopt the final solution and wipe out those who pose any potential threat. We have the tools, we have the ability.
Personally I think option 1 is a lot easier for everyone concerned.