"I' m from the northeast, more recently residing in Manhattan for several
years. I also have the perspective of living very near to where you are
located for the past 33 months. When I read your polygamy question,
I reacted with the same huhhhh??? at the apparent disconnection in your
question, with your use of "gay marriage" and "polygamy" in the same
sentence. Your point of view is totally foreign to mine. You apparently
see the term "Gay" as a deviant reference, where I see it as interchangeable
with "same-sex" orientation or attraction. We both apparently recognize
the term "polygamy" as deviant."
Joking aside and think you did yourself a disfavor Host by assuming about me. I brought up the point of polygamy because it's a state of union. Am I against it? No not really. I don't really care.
I'm not to say any point you brought up is unvalidated because of this. I feel a conversation is more constructive basing it on what you know and feel then what you assume others to know and feel.