Good for WalMart, they are in business to do one thing - make money. If they've developed a better way manage inventory and suppliers and in turn increasing profits then we should respect them for that.
On the issue of collecting personal data at the checkout, this is ususally done for two reasons. First to do a return and second to make payment with a check or credit card which ID is usually required.
Both of these situations are optional. If you don't want give your info for a return, don't make a return - be careful about what you buy. If you don't want to give your info to make a check or CC purchase, use cash. Companies that collect information such as this do so to protect themselves from frauds and other criminal activites. You can't fault them for wanting to protect their interests.
And who really cares if somebody knows what we are doing or buying, unless you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Then you shouldn't be doing it.
Get it done!