Originally Posted by luvthefun
I have been in the Army for a few years now and have never, nor anyone else in the Army that I have come across eats before we PT (physical training). I also do not go to the gym for lifting purposes. I do a regimine of pushups and situps and have no problem maxing these events at our regular APFT's (Army physical fitness tests). Additionally, one of the guys in my unit is into lifting and he also maintains that he has not had any trouble acheiving muscle growth, and as we are drug tested randomly he does this naturally.
a regimine of pushups and situps is not going to build any type of muscle mass. look at any sport that does a high rep, like swimming and running....they are all lean. about your friend...does he take any type of supps? ...what nutrition does the army provide? ...does he eat more then provided? ...i know zip about army life
...just because he is gaining mass doesnt mean he is doing it to the best of his ability.