Originally Posted by Leo
I think creationism's value is more in challenging evolutionary beliefs and putting forward the reasonableness of the idea of design requiring a Designer. You don't see design and order come out of an explosion (ie Big Bang) and I would not dismiss it so lightly as charlatanism - creationists pose serious questions for evolutionists. And sorry 101001010, evolution is not fact, but a theory. While changes from natural selection do occur, natural selection cannot explain the origin of species.
The big bang was not an explosion.
Additionally creationists don't actually pose any serious questions that challenge evolution.
Also, your insistence in saying that evolution is not a fact, but it's a theory demonstrates a certian illiteracy as far as scientific terminology goes.
In science, a theory is something that explains phenomenon-it does not express reservations on the credibility of the theory.
By your logic, we should be warry of germ theory, heliocentric theory, relativity, atomic theory, etc etc.
Yeah, the bomb exploded in Hiroshima, but
it's only a theory, or we get sick because of germs, but
it's only a theory or the earth goes around the sun, but
that's only a theory!