kick her to the curb. while you "only wanted one child" and that's what you've got, sounds like that is one too many for her.
as much as you may love this girl, i'm a firm believer that children come first. if she lives with you, she is taking on some responsibility for raising your child (intentional or not). she will be an influence on your child just by being there. she may not handle discipline or do any primary caregiving--but your child will view her as a mother figure anyway. i had a friend and her two kids live with me for about a year and they both thought of me as their second mom (the youngest even slipped up and called me mommy sometimes).
do you really want someone who doesn't care for kids playing mommy to yours?
and even if you feel all that is irrelevant. your child is not going to require less attention from you for years. the type of attention may shift, but kids have needs at any age and as a parent it is your responsibility to meet them. i don't see your situation improving unless she has a change of heart.
it sounds like she is asking you to choose between her and your child. you chose to bring your child into this world and because of that, you owe your child a safe and loving home environment where more than just basic needs (food and shelter) are met. unless she's your mom, you don't owe this woman anything.