Originally Posted by rfra3645
so porn addictive as drugs.... absulutley... i think there are 2 kinds of people on this topic.. those that have no idea.. ( say no way...) those that know it is... either curently "use" or have "kicked" the habit.. i think i do qualify as addict.. have tried not to.. cannot.. im not syaing you will react the same but the basics are deffinlty the same GOT TO HAVE IT. like i said either you will understand this or you wont.... do i think there is somthing congress could do about this... hell no...its the same as evrey other addiction... you have to want to quit ..if you dont want to quit you wont....i guess really there is no other person to quit for excpet yourself....anyway.. my 2 cents yes porn is addictive....
Luke, embrace the dark side....
Porn is better than no porn. It's always ready and available, requires no tender words, doesn't mind if you fart, and couldn't care less if you ignore it when you're done.