I hate talking about pot. There is a paltry amount of evidence that is substantiated enough to make ANY claims as to it's effects on the human body because (at least my) government will not allow it to be subjected to the testing it needs and deserves to properly determine ALL the effects (positive AND negative). Yes, it's smoke. Smoke is not good for your lungs no matter what it's from. Any idiot can tell you that.
If you want to smoke, it's YOUR personal decision. If you want to know how best to keep from worrying, it's just like sex- abstain or reap the consequences if shit hits the fan. With any privilege, there is responsibility, and this is what I always try to instill in the minds to whom I speak.
If you can smoke in the morning and have a good, productive day- good for you. If you wake and bake and sit around watching cartoons when you have responsibilities, then you're fucking yourself. Take care of business FIRST. Fun is fun, and if anyone knows this it's me- a life with no fun is no life at all- but without a life, you cannot have fun. If you stall out and make a lifetime loser of yourself, how much fun will you have in 20 years when you make Assistant Burger Watcher at McDonald's? Take care of what's important, have fun when you can, and when you're successful and have made a life for yourself, you can have as much fun as your success allows-
Only YOU can determine this. Work hard. Study hard. Make the grade, get the pay.
Good luck, keep your head up.