Thread: Lack of sex
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Old 11-22-2004, 09:23 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: Donkey
Originally Posted by Sika2
Do you think a lack of sex after a number of years marrige is sufficient excuse for an affair?
If you talked to her about it and she still hasn't tried to make it better, then you might as well end it.

THEN you can have all the extra sex ya want, but I wouldn't have an affair because that looks bad on your part during a divorce. Males tend to get screwed even more if the divorce is brought on by something like cheating..

I have to agree with what someone said above: to me, lack of sex is just as harmful as cheating. If she sees no problems with not having sex, then she obviously isn't understanding YOUR needs.

Personally, if one is in a relationship completely void of sex, I don't quite understand why the other partner cares if they go out and have sex with someone else. It's not like they're looking for an emotional relationship - just some quick fun sex.
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