Originally Posted by irseg
Windows is excellent for word processing. It does a fine job of checking e-mail and Web browsing. Hell, it's even great for gaming. But whoever the fuckhole is who said "Hey, let's take this pile of crap and rig it into being a server platform!" needs to be dragged by his balls through broken glass and razor blades and then drowned in a vat of rubbing alcohol.
PHP sucks on *IIS*, not Windows, but php was not designed for IIS, it's a plug-in, it was designed with Apache in mind. It was bandaided for IIS via ISAPI. Run Apache with PHP on Windows and you have the same environment as Linux. As with Linux, make sure your Apache user can execute php.exe and can read/write temp/session files and you are good to go.
IIS works just fine if you use the tools designed around/for IIS. ASP.NET is quite nice and works just as easily as php does on Apache. I use both OS's and both Webservers and I tend to keep php/mysql on Linux and use my Windows boxes for MSSQL ASP/ASP.NET.