Originally Posted by denim
You should see a shrink. Adulterating food is criminal.
And no, not everyone has done such stupid crap like that. I, for one, did different stupid crap. So there.
Hahahaha are you joking? He should see a shrink because he had his friend eat exlax chocolate?
What a threat to society!
Sorry, that, to me, is funny. Exlax/chocolate swaps would definitely be a funny prank.
Jeez, you people need to lighten up and quit with the technicalities (ie "Adulterating food is criminal"), not to mention that getting someone to eat straight up exlax isn't "adulterating" anything.
I gave my friend a Harry Potter jelly bean that tasted like vomit (seriously, the flavor was vomit), then I said, "Haha ok, take this brown one.. it's chocolate (it was dirt". He almost puked. Should I go to jail or see a shrink? Nope!