Originally Posted by Leo
I think creationism's value is more in challenging evolutionary beliefs and putting forward the reasonableness of the idea of design requiring a Designer. You don't see design and order come out of an explosion (ie Big Bang) and I would not dismiss it so lightly as charlatanism - creationists pose serious questions for evolutionists. And sorry 101001010, evolution is not fact, but a theory. While changes from natural selection do occur, natural selection cannot explain the origin of species.
Leo... you've shifted gears on me... To talk about intelligent design is a whole other matter when compared to the creation myths found in the bible.
While I still find the concept of intelligent design high improbable I am willing to allow a small amount of "wiggle room" on some concepts of intelligent design. Creationists love this because it can allow for evolution within the concept of a created universe.
Of course in my theory of intelligent design the Creator set it in motion then went on to another project. Our Universe is collecting dust on the creators craft shelf and we just have to hope like hell that the missus isn't going to toss us in the bin on one of her cleaning binges...
Doesn't really leave a lot of room for God.