I grew up in an area where there were a quite a few Cuban refugees. So I got the perspective of the people who suffered under the regime. They all said Batista was not a saint but they all prefered him instead of Castro. Why else do the Cubans sacrifice themselves by jumping into the ocean with rickety rafts to escape the goverment. That never happened under Batista.
The general population does have a higher literacy rate but at what cost? So they can read all of Castro's propaganda in Granma (Cuba's official newspaper) and starve. All the writers, musicians and journalist are censored by the goverment. The health is a lot better than before Castro but there are great shortages of medicine.
Repressive goverment? Of course it is. Castro destroyed all the family and religion ties of the people. He did it because those are the only two things people really believe in. He turned brother against brother. Sons against fathers. You would get rewards and accomendtations for doing it. All in the name of the revolution.
Most of the refugees I knew owned there own land. They used to raise what was marketable. Rice, coffee, produce etc.
I recently was introduced to a friend of a friend who is Cuban-Amgerican. He just got back two weeks ago from Cuba. He went to visit his family. He told me that he is so depressed after coming back from there. The majority of the houses are falling down. The roads haven't been paved in years. There are massive blackouts. He went to central Cuba where the farms are. The farmers can only survive by what they grow and sell what is leftover in the blackmarket. All the livestock is technically owned by the goverment. I'll give you an example he gave me. If you own a cow and you kill it to eat it. Then you get taxed for killing it. But in the same instance, if someone were to steal it. The farmer still has to pay the tax as if he killed it himself. The goverment's position is that its your fault for letting the cow get stolen and that they were not going to lose out like the farmer did.
I'm going to try to talk to him again on how the food is rationed and in what quantities by the goverment. I could not believe on what they have to exsist on. I don't know how they do it. You will all be shocked. Its hard to fathom what the Cuban population is going through.
So the other countries in the Caribean would be better under communism? I think not.
I'm "Glad I Ate Her" because the payback was worth it!!
Last edited by Glad-I-Ate-Her; 05-12-2003 at 08:44 PM..