It has been ruled by the courts in the past that seperate but equal is impossible. This is what ended segregation. Because of this seperate but equal civil unions are illegal. In our system we can only allow them to be married or ban it all together.
Religious stuff next ignore if you don't believe in God please, I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion.
I am a very christian person, and the most important thing I believe the bible teaches us is to be like God. Love one another unconditionally as he loves us. We shouldn't deny a minority rights just because we disagree with them. We are not God and we cannot judge people for him. Let them do what they want as long as it isn't hurting others and love them despite you disagree with it. In the end we each stand before God and if they were wrong they will pay for it. But if we go around judge people and taking away their rights then when we stand before God we will pay for it.
Letting them get married does not take away from your marriage. Remember according to the bible marriage is between 3 people only. The husband the wife and God. Your marriage is not affected by them and theirs is not affected by yours.