Originally Posted by scott_p_1
What about to poor shmuck who hits your SUV? You don't mind sending him to the ER? The problem isn't really when said econobox get's in an accident, it's when said econobox gets in an accident with an SUV. A few years ago, I was driving one of those econoboxes when I happened to rear end a SUV. Basically, my car went right underneath the SUV. It caused approximately $2000 worth of damage to the car, and about $100 to the SUV (little touch up of paint). Now if I were to have gotten in the same accident with another car, the forces would have been more evenly spread over the 2 cars, and more importantly, the forces would have been on the bumpers. The total damage between the 2 vehicles would have been much less.
This is the worst arguement for someone to not buy an SUV ever. So you are saying that since YOU rearended him (100% in the wrong if rearending some I will remind you) that he should be buying a car to protect your dumb ass? I think not. Thats exactly the reason most people buy big/lifted trucks/SUV's. I am an attentive driver, drive well, and am fairly confident that I will not cause an accident that is my fault. Therefore if someone else runs into me and its their fault, I could give a fawk what happens to them or how much damage is done to their car, becuase it is their fault and theirs alone. Some guy rearended my dad in his Jeep at a stoplight going about 30mph and totalled out his neon whereas my dad's Jeep got a 1" scratch in the plastic bumper because the trailer reciever stopped the car before even getting to the jeep. We own 4 SUV's and leave the trailer drop balls in all of them for that express purpose. Don't rearend me and your car wont get fawked up, its that simple.