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Old 11-21-2004, 01:07 AM   #26 (permalink)
Tarl Cabot, you are new to TFP, so I will simply advise you that your post
about the INS and Clinton era immigration policy is not relevant to this thread,
which I intended as a thread to discuss the state of Ohio 2004 vote recount

Some words of caution about the author of the article which you quoted,
Kenneth Timmerman. His website at .
<a href=""></a>
provides strong evidence that he is a partisan, Clinton basher, and a failed
candidate for the U.S. senate. You also quoted an article from the
Washington Times, a newspaper controlled by the controversial, convicted
felon, Korean Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

You linked as the site of your Timmerman article on the
INS report. Here is a rant published just four days ago by that "news" organization's Editor in Chief, Joseph Farah:
The ACLU is never going to change. It is an anti-American organization. It is a group that seeks to destroy all that makes America a unique experiment in freedom. It is an organization in league with all of America's enemies. It is an organization that hates God, hates what is right, decent and morally upright. It is an organization in league with the Devil, as far as I am concerned..........<a href=""></a>
Please post as much as you want at TFP.....but.....try to stay on topic, try
to quote and link to sources that make an attempt at even handedness.
That way, your points won't reflexively be dismissed by one side, or the other, and readers can all gain something to think about, even if they don't
always agree with you.
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