I just finished Feng Shui where they brought in 3 different 'Feng Shui Experts' to make the house have better chi. Basically their hypothesis was that if Feng Shui is a science then all 3 people would have the same opinion. So they had the 3 come in at one at a time over a little while without telling them what was happening, and in the end each person had different changes and stuff.
They also looked into "Feng Shui Haircuts" where they had twins get a hair cut, one from a $150 Feng Shui Haircut specialist, and another for 16 dollar from a local barber. The idea of a Feng Shui Haircut was that if you had better hair you'd look better, feel better, and people would percieve you as better. They had the twins get the haircut then walk around and ask which person had better energy, and 14 said the right guy did and 14 said the wrong guy.
Later in the episode they dealt with the BS of bottled water. They did taste tests on water with tap water v. bottled water, they also talked to specialists in the field would study over 1000 brands of bottle water who found that only 1/3 of the water bottle companies followed the laws and rules pertaining to safety, and they went out to the "Alaskan Water" bottled wat er plant which was in fact located in California, and they spent the whole time blasting water bottle companies who selling more expensive crap.
Another episode was solely on alien abductions, and that was fairly interesting to see how crazy some people can be about these things, and at one point on a more humorous note a woman claimed that she had s een some of these alien tools that were wildly advanced and described them and drew a little picture, so Penn and Teller went out and bought anal beads, spray painted them silver, and asked if this was the tool and she was shocked as hell to have such a 'unique' and alien tool in her hand.
The last episode I was was based around people who could speak to the dead and how John Edwards is edited to look good, so are most of the speakers. The important fact of the matter was how Penn blasted these people for raping the last memories that these people have of their parents because they're all full of shit. It's kind of interesting once you watch these self-proclaimed speakers to the dead.
I'll probably tack on some more after I watch more episodes.