Originally Posted by wwcd101
Those mentioned are all great answers to this question. The guy who cracks me up most lately is the Amazing Johnathan.
Also, I've not seen Dave Chappelle do a standup routine, but his tv show is awesome.
Thanks for listening.
He's funny. I remember he was talkin something about how unreasonable women are in arguments and start mentioning things that aren't even relevant to the argument he was like
"The other day we were arguing and I was like 'Baby why can't you wash a dish instead of just leaving it in the sink?" "Pre-mature ejaculator!" "Hey hey baby why you gotta go there? You know I don't even believe in that. As far as I'm concerned when I cum it was RIGHT ON TIME!" "They look at you like yer a muderer...'HOW COULD YOU DAVE?' 'HOW COULD YOU?!'" "I was fuckin! I dunno what the fuck you were tryin to do"