Originally Posted by seretogis
I have to laugh every time I see someone claim that Nintendo "cares" about their customers. Nintendo is notorious for price-fixing and intimidating their retailers to follow through. If anything, Nintendo are the fascists of the console gaming industry, though Microsoft and Sony are giving them a run for that title.
of course they are. Look at the N64. Fuck. Anyone remember the days of $80 for damn game? that was ridiculous. Nintendo are definitely money grubbing assholes and the only reason I own a Gamecube is because of 3 simple words: Link, Samus, Mario. If those titles became multiplatform, bye bye Nintendo. The handheld market for Nintendo is amazing though, the GBA SP is a fantastic system, but in my opinion the DS could be their downfall. And to whoever said anything about the PSP having sub-par PS2 graphics, what about the DS having sub-par N64 graphics? Nintendo should have stuck with the GBA. Handhelds don't need to have games in 3-D, they need to have games that are just plain fun.
dont get me wrong, I love my gamecube, but Nintendo does not love their customers. But like I said there are very few reasons to own a gamecube.