"What about the millions of Iraqi's who have their lives disrupted and threatened now because we want to draw all the "terrorists" in to one place to fight them" What about the standard of life that these same Iraqis were enjoying under their last "leader"? How about brides being raped by government goons on their wedding night? Or what about random people being pulled off the streets and killed for no reason other than to satisfy some madmans bloodlust? There is an very interestin article in this months Playboy. It is about how people are trying to get social events back on track in Iraq. The Iraqi buisness man they interview says something like "People think there is more killing in Iraq now then when Saddam was in power, the truth is there is far less killing now, just more reporters." People (especially the media) tend to focus on the negative. If one watches the news at night, one never hears about all the new infrastructure that was built, or how Shi'ites and Sunni's can practice their faith in relative peace. We only see that some some insurgents are killing people and anarchy reigns. :/
"I aint got time for pain! The only pain I got time for is the pain I put on fools who don't know what time it is!" - Terrible Terry Tate