Originally Posted by edwhit
Besides the financial benefit of legalizing pot, I don't see any reason to bother. The argument of "other things are bad too so why not legalize it?" doesn't hold much water imo.
Sure people are gonna smoke it anyway. Sure it's big downfall tends to be making lazy ass kids lazier and causing them to eat bad food more often. Sure cigs are worse for you (a popular opinion to be sure, and one I'm not here to argue).
But what is the point of legalizing? Did they just find out it increases brain cells? Does it prevent Cancer now? Do people study harder or work harder just because they lit up?
It may not be "that bad" for you, but it's still not "good" for you. Why bother to legalize something that still brings about nothing but negative? And please, don't argue with me based on the fact that you want to smoke it! I don't care what you want, I want your logic not your psychological addiction to pot responding.
maybe you should try to look at it from a different standpoint. try looking at it from the 'why should it be illegal' standpoint. there really aren't many arguments for it. in our modern world, there isn't a whole lot that isn't bad for us. smoking, drinking, driving, even work. the amount of stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrtion of our society is unhealthy. so given that our society is somewhat bad for us and there are benefits to the use of marijuana, why not make it legal? (i realize that this is somewhat the argument you think doesn't hold any water, but not exactly)
i'll give you a few reasons to consider legalizing it.
stress relief.
medical benefits (glaucoma, etc)
the freedom to smoke what you want as long as you're not hurting others?
what is the point of making it illegal? it doesn't bring about nothing but negatives like you suggest. i don't smoke pot, but i don't see the need for it to be illegal. from my understanding of how/when it became illegal, i think a lot of it had to do with the tobacco industry lobbying against it. don't you find it somewhat odd that hemp can also be used to make cloths, rope and paper (all in non-smokeable thc levels) yet it still can't be grown for that? i wonder why...