Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Why not keep the job you have, do double duty helping your friend where you can at least until after the baby is born. You'll at least be out of most of the woods by that time... also you'll know if you're new adventure would truly bring home more than just the bacon.
I think this is great advice. If your wife gets pregnant within the next few months and she delivers nine months after that, you're stuck in the old job for only a year, or maybe a bit more just until you're sure the baby is healthy. Meanwhile you can freelance for your buddy on nights and weekends. This will also give you the chance to see what it's like working for him.
The current job may not be what you want for the rest of your life, but with a freelance gig on the side at least you'll have the option of telling the current employer to kiss off if things get really bad.