hey, everyone talking about clinton, I have one thing to say, don't be a player hater. just b/c he got some play, doesn't mean he is a bad guy. sure, there is that whole "lying" to the US citizens and such, but he clearly wanted the definition of "sexual relations" and when it was all spelled out, he quite honestly did tell the truth. sure, he was sneaky and underhanded about it, but it was well within reason for what they defined. and don't give me that you guys wouldn't try to weasel out of it either if they gave you such a good out that was "legit". the whole reason that people get mad @ clinton is b/c he beat the system with their own game about truth, and they got ultra pissed and then said he lied to them. sure, a lie of ommision is still a lie, but it's differnt than an outright lie.
so what do I have to say about gWb?
1. this country is losing it's civil rights left and right. about the terrorism act and homeland security act. yeah, they really need to be reading my email, but hey, now they can, and it's legal!
2. I didn't get laid off when clinton was in office. but it just so happens that when gW-jerk got into office, my hours were cut from 40 to 9 hours a week b/c they can't afford the people anymore due to new taxes and a lowered general economy. what can I say, when people are broke, that whole luxury dvd player is not as tempting anymore.
3. why the hell do we have the electoral college anymore anyways? it was a great idea when the telephone didn't exist, and when voting polls where a days mule ride away, but I voted on my pc last election, why the hell should some other guy have the final say in who my vote is for. last time I was taught, this was a democracy, but in all actuality, it's a republic. put that in your pipe and smoke it w.
4. if you were clinton, that that was your wife. you would cheat too. but hey, if I was the most powerful man in the world, I would have gotten a little bit better play.
5. ohh yeah, so lets see, I forgot, doesn't congress have to declare war? oohhh, don't give me that garbage about commander and chief, he should have no right to tell our troops what to do if he can't control himself and not drive drunk.
6. I wish my dad could get me into yale. so I have a 150 iq, but I didn't get into princeton, how in the hell did he get into yale!?
7. anyone else thing that W is more of a threat than some of the other so called potentially dangerous world leaders. ohh yeah, 71% of Europe. but they are so small, they don't count, at least to him.
8. so, withdrawing from the world court and civil rights committee? lets go ahead and hang all the koreans in this country, maybe we can spook NK into just giving up. wtf is wrong with him? ohh yeah, the US has over 20 years of unpaid UN bills, not like we care what they think anyways. I was in the UN building last time I was in NY, the carpet was running thin they had so little money, and the richest country in the world refuses to pay the bills.
9. I love knowing the richest country in the world has spiraled the largest debt in history! your tax dollars @ work.
10. The US will now be renamed, "mess with me, or ask about any of my previous shady legal encounters or business deals, and I will invade your country. sincerly, GW. "
11. umm, so I have to take a drug test to drive a truck, but our own president doesn't have to take one? How redicoulous is this.
12. I wish I could take a vacation for a month and still be paid $30000 a day.
13. it's sad when I have visited more countries than our president. no, mexico does not count, it's just like america, but with less money. the same amount of mexicans though. and tacos are cheaper. yes, there is still walmart in mexico. sam walton, you genius, if you were still around, I would vote for you as president.
14. hey, I have murdered 2 people, and robbed a bank. I can't get a loan for a car, but I can get a job in the gWb cabinet! thanks bush!
sorry for invading you guys forum with all this random complaints and nonsense, I just thought I would share my 2 cents with some random interjections of comedy when it made sense. no, I don't care if you don't like what I have to say, so go on and quote me and say how wrong I am, but until you live a day in someone's shoes (mine) under the rule of this dictator, I mean, president, don't knock it. I may not be able to respond to anywho who replies to me, due to the fact that the homeland security act ecompasses SSL encryption and they are allowed to open secure packets now and read them, so I bet with all this bad talk about our jerk, I might be put into the metal clink.
"I would have liked to see more of that snapper"