This thread would fit well in the Politics section.
I drive a Cherokee and what I like the most is the high clearance. I'm able to better see the road around me and having the vehicle so high off the ground makes is so much easier to change my own oil and do any maintenence work needed below. Plus, I can drive over curbs and medians if need be.
Its a matter of personal choice, and it always seems that SUV haters are the same group of people who are against the "conservative agenda" that "threatens to restrict our freedoms." Well shit, you can't have it both ways. Freedom for all or freedom for none, not just freedom for the some that agree with your views.
I plan on buying a new vehicle this coming year and its going to be a bigass pickup. Maybe a Dodge Ram 1500 (maybe the diesel 2500) or maybe that new Nissan. That truck is huge. I also plan on purchasing a boat, so you can see the need for a truck to haul it around.