of course the fans shouldn't be allowed to assault players. do you really think anyone is suggesting that?
my point is that no where but the NBA (with the possible exception of the Vibe awards

) is running up to someone and punching them out an acceptable response to getting hit with a plastic cup filled with beer. both you and i would get thrown IN JAIL for acting like that in a sports arena... yet the players receive empathy from the media (at least the ESPN commentators anyway) because the fan's usual annoying behavior justifies such an outrageous response.
well, i say "tough titties" to our dear mister artest. enduring jeering and the occassional sailing beer cup is just part of getting paid millions to play a game. they have no problem getting a paycheck that benefits from the NBA's rabid atmosphere yet go out of control when the situation crosses from their bank account into a personal inconvenience. so you got hit w/a cup of beer from one of your patrons... suck it up.