In under 5 years you will see someone in the NFL, NBA or Baseball killed or seriously injured by a fan during a game. Where the hell was the security/police. 10 cops jumping into the stands right at the start of this fight would've made a difference. But they are Detroit cops and they were probably watching and laughing until it got ugly.
The old bald dude who was uppercutting artest from behind after trying to peel Artest off should be thrown in jail as should that fat fool in the jersey who went onto the floor. At some point I would've been a little freaked out if I were a Pacer player and throwing punches is a natural reaction when some creep chucks his foul hepetitis/cold sore sour beer in your face.
If I were a player I would hire two huge guys to go to games with me and jump in the stands to take care of this shit.
Artest was wrong, but remember you don't know what kinda liquid crap is being thrown on you and what might follow next raining down from the crowd.
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer
Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?