One thing I've never understand is why people are so compelled to include Fuck, Shit, Damn, Ass, Bitch, etc. into their everyday vocabulary. I recently picked up Halo 2 at midnight when it came out and I was surrounded by people in their teens to those in their mid 20's. I was disgusted by the simple fact that they cursed every other second.
Is "And I was like, fuck that shit bitch" really necessary for everyday conversation? I don't understand why people think it's 'cool' to curse up a storm. I have personally always found it rather immature, though it might just be a personal thing.
This even bothered me when I was in High School and everyone cursed and did it every other phrase "Fuckin' pizza" as a random example where it's just included into everyday conversation. I've always believed that the only necessary time that yo ucould include a curse word is when something bad -actually- happens in which a sufficent "HOLY FUCK!" suffices.
Otherwise, I just don't get peoples incessant need to curse up a storm all the time.