Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
If they remove the source of advertising revenue, you're going to pay more. People would not pay twice as much for a movie with no ads. It's a simple supply/demand thing. Unskippable ads on DVD's, however, mean that I will not be buying another product from that company.
Explain that to me MrSelfDestruct.
Theaters did fine for years paying the same rent and distrobution fee's.
In fact, as most theaters pay for the right to show a movie for the whole chain, their cost has not risen greatly over the past four years regardless of opening new theaters.
Why would a movie cost twice as much? Ticket costs have risen in tandem with rising rents and liscencing fee's. If ticket costs have risen in concert with new costs for the theater owner, then this is really about increasing their bottom line, not making ends meet or covering costs.
Often, theaters make a bulk of their money on the concesions. The rest is made up through ticket costs.
What this amounts to is a money grab at a captive audience that is not designed with meeting rising costs, but instead with increasing profits.
I for one always let a manager know my displeasure with the practice. I refuse to speak to an assistant manager, and will wait as long as needed to watch a manager log my complaint instead of hearing me out then forgetting about me.