Ok, most of us have believed in Santa at one point or another and then figured out the hoax soon afterwards.
Do you believe that by telling your kids that there is a Santa Claus, you are lying to him/her?
I have no opinion on this, myself, but I think it's interesting to think about.
As a parent, you would want to present yourself as a person your child can trust.
I'm not sure that having one of his/her first memories being that his parents lied to him about a fictional character bodes too well for the character of the parental units.
On the other hand, I believe a child should have something to believe in.
Whether it be God, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy or the Great Pumpkin *not that all of those should be in the same category
Sometimes a child needs that something to believe in. Enhances the imagination, stimulates brain growth and fills you with a sense of something magical.
Just wanted to hear the thoughts of others.