Originally Posted by KMA-628
Here is our forecast for the weekend:
Wanna know how many people I have had to help around here during snowstorms when their "efficient" little cars get stuck? Hell, not too long ago, I needed 4WD just to back out of my garage so that I could take my sister-in-law to work (her car was stuck).
There's also 4 wheel drive cars. Also remember, 4 wheel drive doesn't really help you stop better, it only helps you get going better. If it's to the point where you can't get out of where you're going, it's probably a good idea to not go anywhere. In fact, last weekend in some places in Nova Scotia, there was over a foot of snow in just one night, followed up by a bit of freezing rain.
And for the record, I live in Nova Scotia, we've gotten some pretty (re: really heavy) snowfalls out by my parents place. Our light little front wheel drive cars could get through almost anything with a decent set of tires on it.
Originally Posted by cj212
So how is it the SUV owners fault that you CHOSE to drive a smaller car that is unsafe in an accident against a larger vehicle? Should all cars be banned because if they are in an accident with somebody on a motorcycle the motorcycle rider might be injured? What about if the guy on the motorcycle hits a pedestrian? Should we ban motorcycles because they put pedestrians at risk?
I'm sorry, but this argument seems asinine. Your solution to being safer from large dangerous vehicles is to drive larger, more dangerous vehicles? We're talking about transportation, not an arms race. The larger the vehicle, the larger the moving mass. The larger the moving mass, the larger the force. The larger the force, the more destruction it can cause. Things will only get worse if everybody drives bigger vehicles.
I'm sorry if I seem a little aggresive in this post, I don't mean it to come off that way.