I'm originally from NY, then moved to the San Fernando Valley in junior year of high school. I got sent away to a placement/correctional facility for senior year, graduated, and am attending junior college in Santa Clarita, where my parents bought a house. I have a reasonable knowledge of the scene in LA, though my hip-hop interest mainly revolves around Rhymesayers (before Slug fell off), Def Jux, Anticon, etc, East Coast shit.
Through a different forum I'm acquainted with an MC, HepDaTightest, who battled there. There was also a girl there who performed, and is now signed with SM in Korea, whose friend I am acquainted with. I didn't get the chance to go, but I knew about it. Haven't heard of "Talk of the Block Party," though.
Snacky Chan is pretty sick - good flow and delivery, it's just up to him to take the extra strides to be up there. As far as Jin goes, he's good at battling, but he hasn't transferred very well to writing. Slim has genuine talent, and though I feel he's out of subject matter at the moment, Infinite through the Marshall Mathers LP were pure progress and excellent hip-hop.
If it wasn't for microsoft, if we lived in the middle east? Y'all wouldn't have no hands....