I'm really liking this game so far...the graphics remind me of Myst they are so photorealistic. The details are insane. The landscapes are post-apocalyptic, minimalist masterpieces. You could have fun just wandering around the levels, with no bad guys. The offbeat details are a big part of what makes this game so interesting in my opinion: an empty refrigerator, a bicycle leaning against the wall, a sofa chair sitting next to consoles, overturned semi-trucks, half-capsized ships, just endless intriguing detail and atmosphere. Water rendering is phenomenal, if not the best Ive ever seen. When you're in the water, and you shoot a dead guy next to you in the water, the ragdoll effects are hilarious and well done.
Explosions (grenade, fuel barrel) are done better than in any other game Ive ever played. So organic and realistic. Weapons models are excellent. I agree that the facial modeling and expressions are the best ever done in a PC game. The level designs so far are just unbelievable. I'm enjoying the quiet, solitary, Omega-Man feel to the levels. Not sure where in the game I am; I have the armed AirBoat and just jumped through the opening in the damn into the Black Mesa complex.
I'm on an Athlon XP2000+, 1GB Ram, Radeon 9800Pro, no problems at all. Frame rates are fine. Dislikes are Steam...wtf is Steam?? Why do I have to sign up for an account and give out my email address to play a game?? Why is Steam running in my taskbar? I hate Steam. And the load times are really long.
A really, really, really, really, really, really cool game.