Originally Posted by shakran
They're all biologically improbable - cripples, birth defects are obvious. Left handers are also biologically improbable because being left handed does not give them any distinct advantage over a right hander, so why would that mutation have survived?
If neither handedness has an advantage over the other it doesn't make sense that either one would die out rapidly.
In the case of birth defects and such, people who appear otherwise healthy carry the recessive defective gene and perpetuate the defect unknowingly.
Originally Posted by shakran
So in a sense, if a mutation is "bad" it will not be continued, for long anyway, because the creatures with the mutation won't be able to mate.
There's nothing to stop a mutation occuring again once the inherited form previously experienced has died out.
Originally Posted by Ms.VanHelsing
It is a well known fact( but not a highly admitted one) that people whether male or female who display homophobic tendencies only do so out of fear of discovering some aspect of it in themselves. To protect their feelings of guilt they immediately devise a defence mechanism which by its nature must attack and condemn.
Politically correct nonsense.