Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
ZPE is a high-frequency reange of the electromagentic spectrum. ZPE generators attempt to convert this into electrical energy in order to provide a fuel-free, pollution-free, infinitely renewable energy source
Not quite. Zero point energy refers to the fact that there is really no such thing as a vacuum. No quantum field can be entirely eliminated (including the electromagnetic one). There is always a little bit left. The energy associated with this is called the zero point energy. It's the "zero point" because it's as close to zero as you're going to get to nothing.
The usual way that one might think of calculating this energy (if you knew physics) says that it is very very large. In fact, it looks to be infinite, although that will almost certainly change when a better theory is found. Because of this, a lot of people have thought that it might be possible to extract this energy and use it as an infinitely renewable energy source.
Unfortunately, most of these people are science fiction writers. If you've ever taken a physics class, you'll know that energy is meaningless on its own. Only energy differences are measurable. It is far from clear that the ZPE may be used as an energy source. It's not necessarily completely fiction either, though.