Well sort of; my girlfriend and I drive a Ford Escape and a Ford Ranger. One is technincally an SUV even tho it's pretty small and my Ranger could be considered in the same class. However, to clarify; I also dislike the big ass SUV's such as the Esclade, Lincoln Navigator, or Ford Expedition. They are big, ugly and dangerous.
So for the most part I agree with you. But it's all relative. Too many people are willing to throw stones at the SUV owners as the eco-enemy de jour, while they are driving around in 20-yr old VW vans that pollute more than any new H2.
So anyway, I appologize for attacking you in my first post, that wasn't my intent, and I commend you on your bicycle commute.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
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