I've truly considered that, it isn't really a new venture and has been established for 4 years now, I could probably go on a whole other thread about that part and the backstory of why I am moving
I just checked ehealthinsurance.com, they are quoting around $230 - $260 for the HMO plan I am looking at, I don't know if I believe that or not but it seems like a decent deal. I'm sure it doesnt have the coverage that we have right now but it would be fine, we are 2 healthy young people - I know that can change in the blink of an eye, but that is the whole reason for health insurance. It's just a play on the odds. Plus $22 for a dental rider (minimal).
Caveat - on the application it lists the requirements, one is: Not pregnant at the time of application submission.
That is a tricky statement, what if I apply today and find out she is actually 1 month pregnant.... that would certainly bite
I feel like those 2 commercials, the one about the pregnancy test and making important decisions, and the one with the guy shaking his head in confusion at health insurance plans.