Does anyone know why they do that? I like it. It would keep people from missing a lot of the show waiting in line, keep them from driving drunk when they leave and might help them to remember the show the next day.
My band has opened for some lesser-known national acts at a fairly small venue in Mobile, Al. You play outside on this huge deck. Around the bar are a couple of big-screen TV's and one night Clarence Gatemouth Brown stopped the show after a couple of songs and informed everyone that if those TV's were not turned off they were packing up and moving on. He said you people better have come here to hear good music and not to watch TV. During their intermission the drummer told me they were playing somewhere with some big sports event on TV like the Superbowl or something and they wouldn't turn it off so they packed up and left.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
-Berthold Auerbach