this girl and i were having some fun one night in the back of my car
i was sitting up and she was on top of me, she didn't realize how close she was to the roof and she kind of went up too high and banged her i felt so bad but i couldn't stop laughing at it...the next time she put her hands on the roof to make sure she wouldn't do it again. Just recently my g/f was reading one of those magazines and they had this section called "sex sessions that ended in the ER", so she was telling me about this one couple were having sex on a chair same position as my story and all of a sudden they both fell back and the woman said that she heard something SNAP. She got off of the guy and realized that little johnny had a 90 degree bend in the middle and was black and blue. When they got to the hospital the doctors said that he had actually broke his penis and it didn't say how long it would take to heal or anything but yeah when my g/f was telling me this, i could feel the pain.