Originally Posted by MageB420666
As for the clitoris argument, it is a very valid and strong argument, it could do it's job just as well if it was located inside the vagina, so if there is a God and he did create man and woman, why did he put the clitoris on the outside? It seems that your friend is basing is argument on the idea that sex is for reproductive purposes only. He is saying that it has nothing to do with creating a strong emotional bond between people and a sense of security and safety.
And these ARE biological factors. It was proven by Nazi experiments in trying to find a more effecient way of raising children, that babies need to be held and cuddled. If they are not they stop eating and eventually die. Humans need companionship to live a healthy life, there is no definition as to what this companionship consists of, be it man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman; It can even be nothing more than a friendship. Lack of companionship as great biological effects.
And think about this:
Of the five(I'm pretty sure it's five) requirements that an organism must meet to be considered alive, the one concerning reproduction, says that it must only have the ability to reproduce, not the desire. Sure human sex organs are designed for reproduction, just like a screwdriver is designed to turn screws, but that doesn't mean that you can't put the screwdriver or genitals to other uses. Fucking can be done solely for the purpose of pleasure and/or bonding between two people.
Very good arguements here. Definitely points I will bring up.
Originally Posted by MageB420666
And what do you mean he doesn't believe in anal or oral sex? Has he never watched a porno? (ok, that's kinda picking on the wording so I'll try to respond to what I think your really trying to say):
No he doesn't watch porno, never has. Also he's very conservative. Been going out with his gf for 2 years yet no sex yet and he's 21.
Originally Posted by MageB420666
Sex is not just for reproduction, oral sex and anal sex cause pleasure for many people. Sex is about pleasure, the reproductive aspect really comes in as a side note. Do you really think people would have sex if it caused them no pleasure, did not create a bond between them and their partner, and gave them another mouth to feed? Not to mention the risk of the woman dying in child birth. The only reason many animals are able to do it that way is because of the overwhelming genetic drive they have to do it. Humans don't have that same reproductive drive, our reproductive drive is based off of a need to feel pleasure.
Here it can well be argued either way, sex is pleasurable and that's why we have sex, or we were meant to have sex and that's why it's pleasurable.
overall, i think everybody made very strong arguments. The chasity one is also a good arguement. I am proud of the pro-gay community or at least the gay understanding community for quickly coming up with good responses.