Well, that well thought out argument settled that right quick.
I don't care what her motivation is as long as she's drawing attention to the horrendous voting practices that are in place. It seems all I see on the news are bits and pieces. One machine here, one companies machines there, a few votes lost or added and security concerning the ones that are cast correctly and how they're counted.
I've yet to see a full comprehensive review of the process. I certainly think that there's a bigger problem to address than simply recounting and reviewing individual precincts or states ballots and procedures. Anything that draws attention to that fact, I'm all for.
Will it change the election? Probably not. Is Bev Harris a screwball? Who isn't?
I find it incredible that financial institutions like banks and credit companies all over the nation handle billions of sensitive transactions every day and manage to keep it private, secure and verifiable. How is it we can't seem to have an election lately without the Keystone Kops coming out to play?
No signature. None. Seriously.