Lets make sure we refrain from referring to the republicans as the conservatives y. I'm conservative, and a libertarian, the R. Party extremists often referred to on this board to me are radical. No not all of them, some of them...
Now as to the post, of course they've flip flopped. If I could convince a single R. or D. congressman tomorrow that Punchin baby jesus in the face was deemed good by 67% of the vote, I garauntee you that he'd be out on the steps tomorrow talking about how he's always supported baby jesus punchin' and will always be pro-punchin.
The one that killed any faith in two party politics for me was the uber flip-flop over the damn redistricting here in TX. The R's fouled up the districts to get them more power, which they cried foul on years before. shitty. The D's raised a national stink and hauled their hypocritical asses off to NM having forgotten they'ld done the same thing just a little bit before...shitty.
He who bitches loudest wins.